Snarvei til hovedinnholdet


Utdanningen ved Pilot Flight Academy tar bare to år, og de nyutdannede pilotene vil ha alle sertifikater de trenger for å starte en karriere i flyselskap. For å bli pilot kreves både motivasjon og engasjement, og studentene utfordres på innsats og holdninger fra første skoledag.



Ved studiestart mottar man uniform, iPad, studiemateriell og det du trenger for å komme i gang. Utdanningen starter med to semester teoriundervisning i ATPL(A). Deretter følger et flyprogram med ca. 230 fly- og simulatortimer, før man må bestå en praktisk ferdighetstest som gjennomføres av Luftfartstilsynet.
Studentene får da et internasjonalt pilotsertifikat (EASA CPL(A) IR ME med frozen ATPL(A)) og er kvalifisert til å bli pilot i et flyselskap.


Sandefjord Torpå
August 2024 – Søk nå


Vår internasjonale pilotutdanning består av mange timer med høykvalitets klasseromsundervisning i ATPL (A), den høyeste sertifiseringen for kommersielle piloter. Alle fag er like viktige.
Les mer om teorifagene her!


Første del av flyprogrammet med ca 142 flytimer gjennomføres ved vår base i Denton, Texas i USA. Oppholdet i USA varer ca fem måneder.
Deretter gjennomføres resten (92 timer) av fly- og simulatorprogrammet i Norge.
I siste semester går studentene gjennom et 35-timers APS Multi Crew Cooperation course i vår topp moderne og avanserte Boeing 737-simulator. Dette er siste del av utdannelsen, som i hovedsak går ut på å forstå crew-samarbeid på større og mer komplekse fly som krever to piloter. I tillegg gis en innføring i samhandling med mennesker i andre yrkesgrupper som man forholder seg til i hverdagen som profesjonell flyger.

Nedenfor får du en kort innføring i hva de forskjellige treningsfasene innebærer.


Phase 1: VFR Single-Engine Basic Maneuvering

Duration: 10 hours of instruction

This phase focuses on teaching basic maneuvering skills in Visual Flight Rules (VFR) conditions. Students learn essential flight maneuvers and handling of a single-engine aircraft.

Normally conducted at USAA Denton

Phase 2: VFR Single-Engine Takeoffs, Landings, and Emergency Training

Duration: 12 hours of instruction and 30 minutes solo flight time

In this phase, students continue to refine their skills with an emphasis on takeoffs, landings, and handling emergency situations in single-engine aircraft.

Normally conducted at USAA Denton

Phase 3: VFR Single-Engine Cross-Country Navigation and VFR Night

Duration: 16 hours and 15 minutes of instruction, with 49 hours and 30 minutes of solo flight time

This phase introduces students to cross-country navigation and night flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR).

Normally conducted at USAA Denton

Phase 4: IFR Single-Engine and Multi-Engine Instrument Training

In phase 4 of flight training, students delve into instrument flight training (IFR) and multi-engine aircraft operations. It includes basic instrument training, procedural instrument training, and cross-country navigation – both single and multi-engine.

Part 1: IFR Single-Engine Basic Instrument

Duration: 16 hours of instruction

Normally conducted at USAA Denton

Part 2: IFR Single-Engine Procedural Instrument and Cross-Country Navigation

Duration: 16 hours of instruction, with 20 hours of student pilot in command time

Normally conducted at USAA Denton

Part 3: IFR Multi-Engine Procedural Instrument

Duration: 24 hours of instruction

Conducted in Norway

Part 4: VFR Multi-Engine Basic Maneuvering, Takeoffs, Landings and Emergency Training

Duration: 7 hours of instruction

Conducted in Norway

Part 5: IFR Single/Multi-Engine Procedural Instrument Cross-Country Navigation

Duration: 23 hours of instruction

Conducted in Norway

Phase 5: Advanced UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training)

Duration: 5 hours of instruction

This phase focuses on teaching students how to prevent and recover from aircraft upsets, enhancing their safety skills.

Conducted in Norway

Phase 6: APS MCC (Airline Pilot Standards Multi-Crew Cooperation)

Duration: 35 hours of instruction

This final phase prepares students for the responsibilities of airline pilots by emphasizing multi-crew cooperation and airline standards.

Conducted in Norway


Overordnet læringsutbytte

Nedenstående tekst er hentet fra kapittel 4, ledd 4.1.1 – 4.1.3 i Læreplanen for ATP(A) Integrert trafikkflygerutdanning.

General Learning Objectives

Following course completion, the student:
– has knowledge of mathematics, physics, navigation, human performance & limitations, aerodynamics, and systems required as a commercial pilot.
– can assess precautions and regulations regarding the operation of aircraft during winter conditions and in mountainous areas required as a commercial pilot.
– has industry knowledge and recognition of national- and international aviation rules and regulations required as a commercial pilot.
– can update their knowledge and stay abreast of evolving practices and regulations relevant to the aviation industry.
– knows importance of risk assessment and exhibit proficiency in the handling of risk required as a commercial pilot.
– has insight into the term «just culture» and recognize that aviation safety is based on a good and functioning aviation safety culture.

Following course completion, the student:
– can explain and apply national and international rules and regulations related to multi-engine piston aircraft operations.
– can reflect Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) on their own professional practice during both day and night operations in Visual and Instrument Meteorological Conditions (VMC and IMC).
– can assess necessary precautions when operating in winter conditions and mountainous areas.
– can find and refer to the technical and human abilities required to serve as the Pilot in Command (PiC) within a multi-crew environment.
– can assess the Threat and Error Management concept when evaluating conditions, risks, and compliance with rules and regulations in their operations.

General Competencies
Following course completion, the student:
– can plan and carry out safe airmanship practices and effectively carry out responsibilities as a valuable colleague in an airline as a commercial pilot.
– can carry out commercial pilot duties with proficiency.
– can exchange views within the aviation community, discuss aviation matters, and contribute expertise.
– actively seeks new knowledge and skills by participating in discussions, seminars, and on other platforms to develop further.

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Prøvetur er en mulighet for deg som vurderer å bli pilot, og har fylt 16 år. En prøvetur koster 1 500,- og du styrer flyet selv, trygt assistert av en av våre flyinstruktører.

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